Corporate Motivational Speaking

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Pat has been speaking professionally on attitude and leadership for 30 years and believes the topic is as relevant as ever in today’s board rooms, corporate meetings and sales staff meetings. Through the years, his subject matter has evolved from just talking about leadership and the importance of attitude to incorporating an easy-to-remember acronym: ATTITUDE.

He has delivered motivational speaches at the likes of IBM and Nike, as well as Chicago-area businesses and professional associations. (See Past Speaking Engagements)

In his motivational speaking engagements, Pat asks the questions: How do I become a better leader? What’s the first step in building effective teams that advance the highest goals and aspirations of our organization?

These and other questions are expertly answered by Pat. He will help take you and your team to the next level of effectiveness with his motivational commentary and observations, gleaned from a decades-long career in coaching.

He has worked with the highest echelon in the basketball coaching ranks, ranging from John Wooden and Bobby Knight to George Karl. He has been both a student and instructor with them and brings that experience plus 40 years in coaching, administration, business and teaching to his speaking engagements.

If you are interested in having Pat speak at your next corporate event or conference, please click the “Contact Pat” button on this page and he will get back to you as soon as possible. Besides the immediate Chicago area, Pat loves visiting Wisconsin and and Indiana to deliver his motivational speaches.