Living Simply, Leading Simply

An ABC newscast recently featured Pope Francis and emphasized that he is living simply and that his life-style is having a profound effect on people – Catholics and non-Catholics alike. His impact has been so great that Time Magazine named him its 2013 Person-of-the-Year.

Isn’t it amazing how the simple can often be the profound?

It seems that throughout history, we have had so many leaders surround themselves with all things majestic. They use material things to show the rest of us that they are the leaders. They are above us. They separate themselves from us. They are the leaders and their surroundings express their supreme position.

Then we have leaders like Gandhi and Mother Teresa. They are leaders who walk with the people – not above them – and they are leaders who truly make a difference.

Gandhi summed up his leadership style with this simple quote, “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”

Mother Teresa explained her philosophy of leadership when she said, “Do not wait for leaders. Do it alone, person to person.”

Pope Francis seems to fit the Gandhi/Mother Teresa mold and maybe he is teaching all leaders that we don’t need to be surrounded by all the hoopla. Instead, it is leading simply that has the most impact on those we lead. “Don’t wait for people to come ringing. You need to go out and look for the poor,” he said in describing his leadership values.

Leaders can learn from these leaders by living simply and leading simply.


View Comments (2)

  • I'm struck by the liberating nature of the Pope's message. How much burden can we lift if we don't need a bigger house, a fancier car, etc. to prove that we've "made it". How much more rewarding is it to live simply, raise quality children that have a positive effect on the world (if that is your vocation) or share your time and talents with those in need?

    The more "leaders" that adopt the Pope's message, the more followers will subscribe to the message. Please let the Washington and Hollywood elitists take note.

  • Big Brothers would use a marketing phrase that went something like this, "No man stands so tall, as when he stoops to help a child!" The Holy Father demonstrates this over and over again in his life/leadership style of meeting people where they are.

    I think the Holy Father (and hs namesake Francis of Assisi) offer us another way to lead. Leadership not through position or power, but leadership by conviction - a willingness to stand up for what is right, the courage to speak the truth, and the respect to listen to the ideas of others.

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