Pat’s Books


From the Bench to the Boardroom

Team Building Leadership BookIn Team-Building: From the Bench to the Boardroom, veteran basketball coach Pat Sullivan takes the lessons he learned during forty-four years of successfully building athletic teams to teach business leaders practical skills in business management. With an emphasis on the benefits of team-building, Pat shows how managing teams in the workplace is no different from managing teams on the basketball court – and that in either venue, you can build winning teams using twenty core concepts. He explores the principles of good athletic athletic management – such as setting clear expectations, dealing with failure, and listening to the team- and teaches you how to apply those concepts in the workplace, taking care to acknowledge different business leadership styles and encouraging more managers to reflect on their own team building philosophies and policies. Team-Building: From the Bench to the Boardroom will be an insightful, practical addition to any collection of team building books for work.

Here’s how to get the book.

Speaking of Leadership

Pat’s Book: ATTITUDE: The Cornerstone of LeadershipAttitude - The Cornerstone of Leadership book cover

Motivational speaking and coaching go hand-in-hand for Pat Sullivan. In his speaking engagements at Chicago-area businesses, Pat talks about the characteristics of a successful leader and how “attitude” shapes a leader’s effectiveness. In this fun and insightful guide, Pat Sullivan provides the simple, practical concepts and attitude adjustments that lead to true leadership success and that will allow business leaders and their teams to meet their goals.

For Sullivan, leadership success begins with attitude. Or, in this case, ATTITUDE: An acronym providing easy-to-remember keys to success and daily behavioral adjustments; essentially, personal characteristics that exemplify a good attitude that anyone can develop and improve upon. The A, of course, stands for ‘attitude,’ the overall positivity or negativity with which an individual approaches his or her daily life, and the respect he or she has for other people.

motivational speaker Chicago imageThe rest of the acronym—teamwork, toughness, intelligence, thank you, you, determination, and effort, details the rest of the personal characteristics of the “whole package” of a leader. Ultimately, Sullivan argues that being a leader is not about the words you speak but the way you conduct yourself.

Here’s how to get the book.

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